Benefit Resource | Published in Forbes Business Council | 2022

The Importance of a Year-Round Benefits Communication Strategy

Looking at the client base for my company, Benefit Resource, nearly 7 in 10 employers will begin a new benefits year in January. This means that they’re likely in the middle of or making preparations for open enrollment. For many, open enrollment serves as the one shot a year to tell employees about benefits, which inevitably leads to information overload.

When you think strategically about how you communicate benefits and set measurable goals, you realize it’s a marathon. January isn’t the finish line; it’s merely a mile marker. By adopting an effective communication strategy throughout the enrollment process, you can support retention, prioritize employee well-being and elevate overall job satisfaction.

Begin The Process With Preparation And Goal Setting

Just as you wouldn’t show up on race day without practice and a plan, you can’t enter open enrollment without some preparation. Before developing a communication strategy, start with a few key metrics.

1. Understand employee behaviors.

It’s helpful to know what benefits employees are using, how they’re using them and whether there are any key gaps in their understanding. Data about usage trends and behavior patterns can be invaluable when trying to focus and personalize communications with employees. You might be able to find it through internal systems or your benefits partners.

2. Plan for change.

Understand how organizational decisions affect your communications strategy. Benefits that are new to an organization or changes in key vendor relationships can create some initial noise and require some extra communication considerations.

3. Don’t forget the basics.

According to hire rate data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, you may have 1 in every 2 employees experiencing open enrollment with you for the first time. Don’t take for granted that employees know and understand your benefits. Be sure you can answer these questions:

Eligibility: What makes an employee eligible? Do different benefits have different eligibility rules?

Enrollment: How do employees enroll? How do they determine what benefits to enroll in?

Usage: How do they use their benefits?

Contact information: Who do employees contact for each benefit offered?

Remember To Define Your Message

Without a clear understanding of your message, benefits communications can get a bit out of hand. A well-intentioned, concise benefits package can quickly become a 250-page manual. Consider breaking down communication into three phases: what employees need to know prior to, during and after open enrollment.

Prior to open enrollment, prep employees with clarity on their current benefits, basic information and an overview of any key changes or additions. As open enrollment begins, move from an informational message to an actionable message. Be sure to address how to determine which benefits employees enroll in, how to enroll and when enrollment must be completed. As open enrollment closes, provide employees will clear direction on what happens next.

Many times, there will be a quiet period between when an employee enrolls and when their benefits take effect. This is an opportunity to set expectations on what to expect from their benefits and the vendors that support them. For employees who are renewing benefits, it’s also good to point out anything they need to know or that may differ from new employees.

Effectively Build And Execute Your Plan

Considering you already have the core structure in place, you can more effectively build and executive your plan with these five tips.

1. Understand how employees get and share information. Don’t be afraid to use multiple communication methods and channels. In fact, according to employers surveyed by BRI, 80% plan to use three or more channels to communicate during open enrollment with email, web pages and portals being the top choices.

2. Don’t feel like you need to reinvent the wheel.Feel free to collect existing resources from partners, such as education guides, explainer videos and open enrollment starter kits.

3. Create a centralized resource of all benefits information. Consolidation is a great way to ensure employees have access to all the information they need both during open enrollment and throughout the year. But it also allows you to create short message points and action items while providing a go-to resource for employees to access more details.

4. Make sure your communications and events REACH employees. A successful open enrollment and benefits strategy comes down to five key things.

• Record: To ensure all employees can hear your message directly, regardless of where they work, record all benefits presentations and key messages.

• Engage: Use things like polls, prizes, competitions and questions to keep your employees engaged throughout the enrollment process.

• Answer Questions: It’s inevitable that employees will have questions, so be sure to provide convenient options so they can find the answers they need.

• Catch Attention: Elements like visuals, video and sound can better attract employees’ attention than long, wordy documents.

• Humor and Humanization: Using humor can make your communications more relatable and engaging. But it’s also important to really center the employee in your messages. Be sure to answer one essential question: “What’s in it for me?”

5. Talk about the hidden gems. You likely have benefits that are under-utilized or overlooked. There may even be things that aren’t defined as a benefit in a traditional sense, like flextime, remote work, volunteer days and more. In fact, a recent Harris Poll released by CareerBuilder indicates that 56% of employed adults say that flexible work schedule options attracted them most to their current role. Other top responses included fair pay and work-life balance.

While open enrollment serves as the start, make sure you pace yourself with an ongoing communication and benefits strategy. Consider a month-by-month plan where you target messages during key intervals and create awareness for key resources. Don’t hesitate to go back to the data and identify reminders for key concerns, deadlines and actions employees need to take.


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